Get Like Ri

Get Like Ri



With all this punani power that’s charging through young America I still see my sisters getting played. I see women acting desperate and dumbing themselves down to please a man. It’s not uncommon for a man to say that while dating one woman he is sleeping with another. Yet we as women pledge our undying devotion after the first “Wyd” text.

For about two years now my home girls and I have lived by the mantra get like RI. When dealing with matters of the heart we always look at each other and ask “what would Rihanna do.”

Our girl Robyn was once a fool for love but has never been fooled again, and if you watch her you won’t be either. She knows she is the sun and any man who enters her life are simply planets that she allows to orbit. Billionaires, Grammy nominees, and even Oscar winners scramble to be in her presence and she still doesn’t place claim on any of them.

Some of you make a man your boyfriend if he buys you breakfast after the club. Others are sitting around double texting a man that wouldn’t even bring you a bag of chips if you asked. Wake up and get like RI. Just because he takes you on a date that doesn’t earn loyalty.

She has no problem dating more than one man at a time because dating aint marriage and doesn’t require commitment. Leo today and Drake tomorrow she’s out here having fun and keeping her options open. Stop looking for a man let them look for you. Women have become little thirsty blood hounds that are preoccupied with the chase.

You have the vagina you make the rules. Putting up with mistreatment because you think this person is all you can get is played out. Stop booking rooms at the heartbreak hotel and tap into your inner bad gal. You can always go up from the bottom date at an incline. They should be wondering how to keep you and who they will find better than you.

As Rihanna once said a man will only know your worth if you know you worth.

Sources: The read podcast and several Rihanna interviews


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